• Android
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Getting Started

Creating Templates

If you know you're going to be creating your Entries with about the same set of Fields and Labels for most of the accounts and passwords you store in Codebook (or some other type of data, like credit card information), it can be helpful to set up one or more Entries as templates, with empty Field values. Then when you need to create a new Entry of this type, you can copy it and start editing it right away.

On android

First let's create a new Category for our templates. Tap on Home > Categories to display your existing categories. Tap on the plus button in the navigation bar at add a new category.

Add Category button on the Categories view

We'll name this Category "Templates" and pick an icon to help distinguish it from our other Categories. Tap the save icon to save the new category.

Editing new Templates Category Shows new Templates category in the list

Tap on the Templates category to display the list of entries which is currently empty. Next, tap on the plus button at the top of the new Templates category to create a new Entry. We're going to use this Entry for setting up login accounts for websites, so we'll name it Website Login. After entering the name, tap the ✓, tap Save.

Add Entry button on the Templates Category Blank entry in the Templates Category Entry name on the Templates Category

Now, we want to add fields to this entry. Tap the edit icon to display the Edit Entry view. Using the Add a new field button, add Email, Password, and Website Fields to the new Entry, and leave the contents of each blank. If you wish to reorder the Fields, tap and drag on the re-ordering control at the right side of each row, to move it up or down the list. Then save your Entry.

Edit Website Login entry Edit Website Login entry - Add fields Website Login template with blank Fields

If you almost always use the same Email address, you may wish to fill that value in on the template. You may have noticed that on the Edit Email view, addresses you have used previously are suggested under Frequently Used. Remember to save if you filled in the email field.

Frequently used list on the Email Field edit view Website Login template with default Email Field

When it's time to set up a password for a website in Codebook, we can Copy and Paste or Move this Entry into any Category. In this case we'll copy and paste it into the Cloud Services Category we created earlier. Long tap on the Website Login entry and tap Copy Entry. Press back. Tap on the Cloud Services Category. Long tap and select the Paste Entry option.

Copying the Website Login template Website Login template select Paste Entry into Cloud Services Category Website Login template select Paste Entry into Cloud Services Category

From there we can edit the name and icon, fill in blank Fields, set it as a Favorite, and use the Password Generator to create a new random password. Here we've set up a new password for box.com, using our default email address, and specifying the website's domain in the Website field.

Website Login template pasted into Cloud Services Category Entry view of copied Website Login template Copied Entry with Edits

And that's all there is to it! You can use and customize the Labels available to create any kind of templates you'd like.

Tips & Tricks

  • Because we made sure to set the Entry up with a username, password, and website Field, we can be sure it will be available as a suggestion if we enable Password AutoFill or use Find In Codebook.

On ios

First let's create a new Category for our templates. Tap on the Categories tab at the bottom of your iPhone's screen to navigate to the top of your records, and click on the plus button in the navigation bar.

Add Category button on the Categories view

We'll name this Category "Templates" and pick an icon to help distinguish it from our other Categories.

Editing new Templates Category

Next, tap on the plus button at the top of the new Templates category to create a new Entry. We're going to use this Entry for setting up login accounts for websites, so we'll name it Website Login.

Add Entry button on the Templates Category

Using the Add a new field button, add Email, Password, and Website Fields to the new Entry, and leave the contents of each blank. If you wish to reorder the Fields, tap and drag on the re-ordering control at the right side of each row, to move it up or down the list. Then save your Entry.

Website Login template with blank Fields

If you almost always use the same Email address, you may wish to fill that value in on the template. You may have noticed that on the Edit Email view, addresses you have used previously are suggested under Frequently Used.

Frequently used list on the Email Field edit view Website Login template with default Email Field

When it's time to set up a password for a website in Codebook, we can copy this Entry, paste it, move it into any Category. In this case we'll paste it into the Cloud Services Category we created earlier.

Copying the Website Login template Website Login template pasted into Cloud Services Category

From there we can edit the name and icon, fill in blank Fields, set it as a Favorite, and use the Password Generator to create a new random password. Here we've set up a new password for box.com, using our default email address, and specifying the website's domain in the Website field.

Entry view of copied Website Login template Copy of Website Login edited and filled in for a new Entry

And that's all there is to it! You can use and customize the Labels available to create any kind of templates you'd like.

Tips & Tricks

  • Because we made sure to set the Entry up with a username, password, and website Field, we can be sure it will be available as a suggestion if we enable Password AutoFill or use Find In Codebook.

On macos

First let's create a new Category for our templates. Click on the New Category button in the toolbar (⇧ ⌘ N) to show the Create New Category sheet.

New Category toolbar button

We'll name this Category "Templates" and pick an icon to help distinguish it from our other Categories.

New Category sheet

Next, click on the New Entry button in the toolbar. We're going to use this Entry for setting up login accounts for websites, so we'll name it Website Login.

New Entry toolbar button

Using the Add Field button, add Email, Password, and Website Fields to the new Entry, and leave the contents of each blank. If you wish to reorder the Fields, click and drag on a row to move it up or down the list. Then save your Entry by ending editing (⌘ E).

Template Entry with empty fields

If you almost always use the same Email address, you may wish to fill that value in on the template. If you start typing an Email address you've already used in Codebook into an Email field, it will be offered as an autocomplete suggestion.

Template Entry with default Email value

When it's time to set up a new account and password in Codebook, we can copy this Entry, paste it, move it into any Category.

Copy of Template Entry

From there we can edit the name and icon, fill in blank Fields, set it as a Favorite, and use the Password Generator to create a new random password.

Copy of Template used as Amazon login

And that's all there is to it! You can use and customize the Labels available to create any kind of templates you'd like.

Tips & Tricks

  • Because we made sure to set the Entry up with a username, password, and website Field, we can be sure it will be available as a suggestion if we enable Password AutoFill.
  • You can create new Labels on-the-fly as you edit an Entry from the Add Field button, choose New Label....
  • The Labels in the Add Field button can be sorted either by frequency-of-use (that is, how often you use them on your Entries) or alphabetically. To change the sort order, see Preferences > General tab > Sort labels by pop-up button.

On windows

First let's create a new Category for our templates. Click on the New Category button in the toolbar (⇧ CTRL N) to show the Create New Category window.

New Category toolbar button

We'll name this Category "Templates" and pick an icon to help distinguish it from our other Categories.

New Category sheet

Next, click on the New Entry button in the toolbar. We're going to use this Entry for setting up login accounts for websites, so we'll name it Website Login.

New Entry toolbar button

Using either of the Add Field buttons, add Email, Password, and Website Fields to the new Entry, and leave the contents of each blank. If you wish to reorder the Fields, click and drag on a row to move it up or down the list. Then save your Entry to ending editing.

Template Entry with empty fields

If you almost always use the same Email address, you may wish to fill that value in on the template. If you start typing an Email address you've already used in Codebook into an Email field, it will be offered as an autocomplete suggestion.

Template Entry with default Email value

When it's time to set up a new account and password in Codebook, we can copy this Entry, paste it, move it into any Category.

Copy of Template Entry

From there we can edit the name and icon, fill in blank Fields, set it as a Favorite, and use the Password Generator to create a new random password.

Copy of Template used as Amazon login

And that's all there is to it! You can use and customize the Labels available to create any kind of templates you'd like.

Tips & Tricks

  • Because we made sure to set the Entry up with a username, password, and website Field, we can be sure it will be available as a suggestion if we enable Password AutoFill.
  • The Labels in the Add Field button can be sorted either by frequency-of-use (that is, how often you use them on your Entries) or alphabetically. To change the sort order, see File > Preferences tab > Sort labels by selector.