• Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Windows

Getting Started

Copying & Moving Records

Earlier in this series we covered how Passwords and other details for your accounts are stored on Entries, and how Entries are stored in Categories. In this tutorial we will take a look at how we can move Entries into other Categories to rearrange them, as well as copy them to create entirely new Entries.

On android

Let's start by creating a new Category. Tap on Home > Categories to display your list of categories. Tap on the plus button in the navigation bar to add a category..

Add Category button on the Categories view

The New Category view is displayed. Type in a name for the new Category (we'll use "Cloud Services"), tap on the folder icon to change its icon, and then tap on the Save button.

New Category view New Category view with edited Name and Icon

This creates a new category Cloud Services and displays it in the categories list. There aren't any Entries to see yet! Tap on the Passwords category. Long-press on the Amazon entry to display a menu with Editing options. Tap on the Copy Entry option. Now tap on the Back button and tap the Cloud Services category.

Categories view with the Passwords Category highlighted Add Category button on the Categories view Add Category button on the Categories view

Long Tap on the screen to reveal the option to Paste Entry and Tap on Paste Entry.

Paste Entry option showing in the Password Category below the Entries Paste Entry option showing in the Cloud Services category Copy of Amazon (pasted Entry) displaying in the Cloud Services category

Immediately, we see a new Entry appear in the list named "Copy of Amazon". Tap on it and we see it's contains all the same fields as the original. Click on the Edit button and fill in the name and details for another account. In our case, we'll set it up as a Dropbox Entry by editing the Name, Icon, Website and Password fields as necessary.

Entry view after copy Entry view after saving changes

Codebook also allows you to Move entries. You simply long tap on the entry you would like to move and select Move Entry from the Options list. You will be shown your Category list. Tap on the category you would like to move it to. The entry will be deleted from the original category and added to the category you select next.


  • If you'd like to change an Entry's Category while you are editing the Entry itself, tap on the details row at the top of the Entry view. The Edit Details view provides a selector for choosing another Category.

On ios

Let's start by creating a new Category. Tap on the Categories tab at the bottom of your iPhone's screen to navigate to the top of your records, and click on the plus button in the navigation bar.

Add Category button on the Categories view

The New Category view displays. Type in a name for the new Category (we'll use "Cloud Services"), tap on the folder icon to change its icon, and then tap on the Save button.

New Category view New Category view with edited Name and Icon

This creates a new Category and displays it for us. There aren't any Entries to see yet! Tap on the Back button to go back to the Categories list, and tap on the Passwords category where we previously created an Entry.

The new Cloud Services Category with Back button highlighted Categories view with the Passwords Category highlighted

Long-press on the Entry we created previously, "Amazon" to display a menu with Editing options.

Add Category button on the Categories view

Tap on the Copy option in the menu that appears and we'll see we immediately have the option to Paste a copy of this Entry.

Paste Entry option showing in the Password Category below the Entries

Now tap on the Back button again, and select the Cloud Services category. Then tap on Paste Entry.

Paste Entry option showing in the Cloud Services category Copy of Amazon (pasted Entry) displaying in the Cloud Services category

Immediately, we see a new Entry appear in the list named "Copy of Amazon". Tap on it and we see it's almost the same as the original, with all the same Fields (the only difference is that it's not marked as a Favorite). Click on the Edit button and fill in the name and details for another account. In our case, we'll set it up as a Dropbox Entry by editing the Name, the Website, and the Password (we'll remove the Old Password field).

Entry view after saving changes

Tips & Tricks

  • If you'd like to change an Entry's Category while you are editing the Entry itself, tap on the details row at the top of the Entry view. The Edit Details view provides a selector for choosing another Category.

On macos

Let's start by creating a new Category. Click on the plus button at the bottom of the Categories list (⇧ ⌘ N).

Create new Category button

The Create New Category sheet appears modally over the Main Window. Type in a name for the new Category (we'll use "Cloud Services"), click on the folder icon to change its icon, and then click on the Create Category button to save it to the Categories list.

Create new Category sheet

Next click on the Passwords Category so that the new Entry we've been working with ("Dropbox") is visible in the Entries list.

Selected Entry in the Entries list

Click on the Entry's row in the Entries list and drag it into the new Category you created ("Cloud Services").

Dragging and dropping the Entry into the Categories list

And that's it! Easy as drag and drop. Click on Cloud Services to see the Dropbox entry in the Entries list.

The copied Entry in its new Category

Now let's say we want to copy an Entry, because we like the way we have it set up and we want to re-use that for another account. Click on the Entry we dragged, Dropbox, in the Entries list so that it is selected.

Selected Entry in the Entries list

Click on the Edit menu and select Copy. Click on the Edit menu again, and choose Paste. A copy of our Entry is created and pasted into the currently selected Categories, appearing in the Entries list as "Copy of Dropbox". When the Entry is selected we see it has all the same fields.

Pasted Entry in the Entries list

You don't have to paste copied Entries into the same Category. You can copy any Entry that appears in the Entries list, choose another Category, and paste the copied Entry into that Category from the clipboard.

Let's edit the newly copied Entry, and use it for an account with another service, box.com. All we need to do is type in the new name, create a new random password, we can leave our email address the same, and update the Website field.

Edited Entry with new name, icon, and Fields

Tips & Tricks

  • The Entries list supports multiple selection, so you can drag more than one Entry into another Category at once.
  • You can copy entire Categories, too! Similar to copying Entries, copying a Category creates a deep copy, making copies of all the Entries within the Category.
  • The Categories list also supports multiple selection, allowing you to copy more than one Category at once.
  • Dragging an Entry from the Entries list onto the Favorites view will mark that Entry as a Favorite, and cause it to appear in that View.

On windows

Let's start by creating a new Category. Click on the plus button at the bottom of the Categories list (⇧ CTRL N).

Codebook Add Category Plus Sign

The Create New Category popup appears over the Main Window. Type in a name for the new Category (we'll use "Cloud Services"), click on the folder icon to change its icon, and then click on the Save button to save it to the Categories list.

Codebook Add Category - Enter name, icon, save

Next click on the Passwords Category so that the new Entry we've been working with ("Dropbox") is visible in the Entries list.

Show New Category

Click on the Entry's row in the Entries list and drag it into the new Category you created ("Cloud Services").

Drag entry

And that's it! Easy as drag and drop. Click on Cloud Services to see the Dropbox entry in the Entries list.

Drag entry complete

Now let's say we want to copy an Entry, because we like the way we have it set up and we want to re-use that for another account. We will copy the Dropbox Entry. Click on Dropbox in the Entries list so that it is selected.

See entry moved

Click on the Copy Button.

Copy new Dropbox entry

Click on the Paste Button.

Paste copy of Dropbox entry

A copy of our Entry is created and pasted into the currently selected Category, appearing in the Entries list as "Copy of Dropbox". When the Entry is selected we see it has all the same fields.

Paste complete

You don't have to paste copied Entries into the same Category. You can copy any Entry that appears in the Entries list, choose another Category, and paste the copied Entry into that Category from the clipboard.

Let's edit the newly copied Entry, and use it for an account with another service, box.com. All we need to do is change the icon, type in the new name, create a new random password, we can leave our email address the same.

Update copied entry


The Entries list supports multiple selection, so you can drag more than one Entry into another Category at once.