Codebook 4.3.0 Released for Android, macOS, and Windows

2020-11-30 15:30:00 -0500

Today we released Codebook 4.3.0 with support for AutoFill on Android and macOS Big Sur, along with several other improvements and bug fixes for Windows. Please read on for highlights; download links and version requirements are available here:

Autofill for Android

Codebook for Android version 4.3.0 includes a new Autofill feature allowing you to seamlessly fill in your passwords and other other data into login forms in other apps and websites.

macOS Big Sur and Password AutoFill

Codebook for macOS 4.3.0 is ready to go on macOS Big Sur 11! Mostly we needed to adopt the new Big Sur UI for the application windows, and update our app icon. However, we were also able to take advantage of the new Password AutoFill support in macOS Big Sur!

Update: There’s a bug in 4.3.0 for macOS, Codebook’s Password AutoFill extension isn’t showing up in System Preferences > Extensions, making the feature unavailable. This affects both the Direct and Mac App Store versions. Version 4.3.1 is on the way with a fix right now, our apologies!

Other things to note about this update for macOS:

  • The new minimum version of macOS that Codebook supports is 10.12 (previously it was 10.10). If you can’t upgrade right now, that’s okay, the new version doesn’t break compatibility for sync with previous versions.
  • ⚠️ The encrypted database location in your Home folder has changed! Please update any scripts or backup jobs that use the old location.

The new database location path for macOS is (all one line):

~/Library/Group Containers/

Codebook for Windows

Codebook for Windows 4.3.0 provides several minor feature updates and bug fixes, including:

  • Adds a new Exclude Characters feature on the Password Generator
  • Password Weakness Warnings are displayed when setting a Master Password
  • Adds a new License Key window for easier access within the application

What About iOS?

Update: Since a few people have (quite reasonably) already asked: Codebook for iOS 4.3 with support for iOS 14 is already available, visit this page in the App Store using your device to get the latest version. We released 4.3.0 in early September and followed that up with 4.3.1, which adds support for the latest iPhone and iPad screen sizes.

Need Help?

As always, please feel to reach out to us at You can also provide feedback and ask questions on our community discussion forum.