Import your Roboform data into Codebook

You can import your passwords and other data from Roboform into Codebook.

This feature is only supported on macOS and Windows. Use the Sync feature to access your imported data on Android and iOS.

How it works:

  • Your Logins (passwords and other credentials for websites) and Safenotes in Roboform become Entry records in Codebook, and we put them in a new Category with the Roboform Folder name
  • Your Credit Card and Identity information is not exported by Roboform so it cannot be imported.

Before You Begin

Caution: You are about to export your passwords into an unencrypted file! We recommend you temporarily disable any backup software you use to avoid creating a backup of the unencrypted file. Anybody with access to this file will be able to see your passwords and other secrets.

Step 1: Export your data from Roboform

  1. Launch Roboform on your Mac or Windows computer and log in
  2. For Mac: Click on File > Export For Windows: Click on the RoboForm taskbar icon then Accounts & Data then Export
  3. Enter your Master Password
  4. Location: Enter the location where you would like to save your data
  5. Data: Click the check boxes for the data to be included in the export - Logins Bookmarks Safenotes
  6. Format: select CSV File from the drop down list
  7. Click Export
  8. Click Yes on the Roboform Question popup window

Step 2: Edit your data into the proper format for Codebook Import

You will need to make a few edits to the exported .csv file so it can be processed correctly by Codebook

  1. Open the file you exported from Roboform in a spreadsheet editor
  2. Edit the Name column and rename it Entry.
  3. Edit the URL column and rename it Website. This will set the mode of the field correctly.
  4. Delete the MatchUrl column
  5. Edit the Login column and rename it Username. This will set the mode of the field correctly.
  6. Edit the Pwd column and rename it Password. This will set the mode of the field correctly to indicate that it contains a password and will be masked when displayed.
  7. Edit the Folder column and rename it Category. You may want to edit the data in this column by removing the leading / of /Login. You can also fill in a category name for any cells that are blank. If you had any Logins or Secure Notes that were not in a folder, you will see that the Folder, now Category, column contains blanks. You can fill in a name that you would like to use for the category. Note: For a Codebook for Windows Import - this cell cannot be blank. If, for example, you did not put your secure notes in a folder, you may want to type Notes into the blank cell so your notes will be grouped together in the Notes category. Please note that Codebook already contains a Notes category that contains a sample note. You can delete the default Note category that was created by Codebook.
  8. Delete the Rf_fields column
  9. Additional Step for Windows:

    • Do a Search for any pipe | characters in your passwords, and insert a backslash \ in front of them
  10. Save your changes and ensure you save or export to a CSV file (not xls)

Step 3: Import your data into Codebook

  1. Launch Codebook and log in
  2. For Mac: Click on File > Import > Import CSV For Windows: Click on File > Import
  3. In the file chooser that appears, select the CSV file you exported and edited from Roboform
  4. After the import process completes, verify that the passwords you imported are present in the Codebook interface

Step 3: Clean Up

  1. Delete the unencrypted CSV export file from Roboform
  2. If you had disabled your backup software, resume it now

Next Steps

Now you're ready to get started using Codebook!

Need Help?

If you are having trouble importing your data or have other questions, please contact Codebook Support.