Codebook Updated in the App Store

2010-09-13 20:00:00 -0400

There’s an updated version of Codebook in the App Store, v1.3.0, which fixes a bit of a nuisance bug with regard to timestamps.

Tempo Maintenance Tonight, Sept 1st 11PM EDT

2010-08-31 20:00:00 -0400

For customers of our time-tracking system, Tempo, the web interface will be temporarily unavailable starting at 11PM EDT tonight, Wednesday September 1st.

Just a couple of small fixes, service should only be offline for a few minutes while we make sure nothing’s amiss. Reporting time entries via Twitter and Email will continue to function without interruption.

On the Subject of Online Backup for Strip

2010-08-15 20:00:00 -0400

We’ve received a few requests recently to provide an online or cloud-based backup/sync solution for our password manager Strip, in particular as to whether we plan to add an integration with Dropbox, so we figured now is a good time to provide a statement with regards to what direction we’re going.

We do not have plans to provide an integration with Dropbox for Strip at this time. While we agree an online backup would a really cool and useful feature, we’re uncomfortable with tying a core part of the product to another service that might change without consultation. That’s not to say anything at all about the utility or stability of Dropbox (it’s a really useful service done very well), but decisions made at Dropbox will always be out of our control.

Any online backup would require that the database file be stored remotely in an unknown location, with unknown security risks. That scenario makes us and many of our customers nervous, so we are reluctant to move in this direction without serious planning and risk evaluation.

We’ll continue to investigate the possibility of an online backup for Strip, but in the mean time, Strip can be backed up to the desktop with Strip Sync, providing multi-device replication. Our implementation requires authentication, and the files are always encrypted and secured on your local computers.

Strip 1.4.8 Released

2010-07-12 20:00:00 -0400

A new update to Strip, our password manager for the iPhone, has been approved by the Apple iTunes App Store, version 1.4.8. This is mostly a bug-fix release for version 1.4.7, and makes the changes list below. While this is a minor update, all users are strongly recommended to backup their data and update to the latest version to ensure compatibility with future versions of Strip.

  • Fixes crash on auto-save of Note during fast-app switching on iOS 4.
  • Autosave is now enabled when editing Notes with a hardware keyboard.
  • Displays GUID of data entities to facilitate sync support requests and debugging.
  • Corrects icon display on import.
  • Fixes a couple of NIB-related crashes introduced by iOS4.
  • Corrects a typo in one of the dialog prompts.

More updates are on the way, but they’re still a few weeks out, so make sure you get the latest and greatest. [ Get it on iTunes ]

Announcing Strip Sync for Mac OS X and Windows

2010-06-30 20:00:00 -0400

Updated: 6/6/2012 This blog post is out of date, and the software referenced in it, Strip Sync, has been discontinued in favor of Strip for Windows and Strip for OS X.

Screen Stripsync Windows

As many of our customers have already noticed, we’ve made Strip Sync for Mac OS X and Windows generally available. It serves as a free a companion utility to Strip 1.4 for iOS, the first version of Strip to support our new Sync feature. More accurately, Strip supports multi-device replication, allowing you to safely replicate your data across any number of devices1. Strip is the first password manager we know of with this kind of awesome and lightning fast sync system.

No longer will our dear customers be relying on and subsequently let down by iTunes for backups and data recovery. Every time you sync your device with Strip Sync, a backup copy of the local database on your desktop is taken for you. You can revert to any of your backups at any time, and the sync service also provides authoritative data restore.

Strip Sync also provides CVS import and export. This allows you to export your database to a spreadsheet that you could print and store in a safe. It also allows you to bulk load new entries, and in the case of the Mac OS X version, you can do bulk updates as well (e.g. export the existing database to spreadsheet, make edits, and import the same sheet).

Now that more folks are seeing what Strip Sync is – or rather, that it’s not a full desktop port of Strip, thus the qualified name – we’ve been getting questions about a full desktop port. We’re working on it! It’s next on the list, Strip Sync had to come first. You can expect minor updates to Strip Sync in the next few weeks as we make some minor improvements (and add bulk-updating to the Windows version).

I should add that there a ton of other improvements to Strip itself in the 1.4 upgrade (free for those who’ve purchased Strip already), including improvements to the display of data, the ability to work with stored data quickly (copying, launching, etc), and better performance to boot.

With regard to iOS 4, things are looking pretty good so far. We have no plans at the moment to take advantage of new features in the SDK just yet, as our primary concern is stability and compatibility. We do have upcoming improvements planned for the 1.4 version of Strip and if any bugs pop up we should be able to address them in forthcoming updates.

1 When we have a chance, we’re going to post an article about how this works and the technology behind it. Ditto, the replication library, will be made available as open-source software, as was done with our encryption engine SQLCipher, in order to facilitate peer-review and to encourage future innovations from other developers.