Updated convert-to-strip for 1Password

2013-01-07 11:22:21 -0500

Storage Converter

We've been notified by a few customers looking to switch to STRIP from 1Password about problems reading the 1Password export file. These ranged from blank fields to improperly processing place-holders for deleted records and an older export format. If you've had trouble using this utility, this update will probably help you out. If not, please contact us at support@zetetic.net and we'll get to work on it! This app also allows you to convert SplashID export files to a CSV you can import into STRIP.

Convert to STRIP for Windows »

Convert to STRIP for OS X »

Update: Feb 11, 2013 In response to comments below, bugs have been fixed, and the download links above have been updated/corrected.

Announcing SQLCipher 2.1.1

2012-12-07 13:24:49 -0500

We're pleased to announce the availablilty of SQLCipher 2.1.1. This is a significant release including the following improvements and new features:
  • New PRAGMAs to query the current values for all SQLCipher settings (for example, "PRAGMA cipher" will now return "AES-256-CBC" by default, with similar behavior for other SQLCipher PRAGMAs) 
  • Tracking of activation calls and OpenSSL initialization, automatically executing EVP_cleanup to free associated memory on behalf of applications
  • Fix for an issue where the page number was included in HMAC calculation using native byte order. SQLCipher now converts to little endian by default (for backwards compatibility on popular ARM, i386 and x86_64 platforms). This allow interoperability between big endian and little endian platforms. 
  • New PRAGMA cipher_hmac_pgno = ( be | le | native ) to set behavior for page number byte ordering, and to convert older databases on big-endian platforms
  • New PRAGMA (cipher_hmac_salt_mask) to change the value used to permute the database salt before HMAC key derivation. This facilitates databases upgrades from old SQLCipher 2.0-beta settings to the latests defaults. With this change all key derivation settings are changeable via PRAGMA!
  • Improvements to memory wiping to avoid compiler optimizations, constant time memory comparison routines, and detection of context initialization problems (i.e. out of memory errors)
  • Code refactoring to move custom PRAGMA handling out of pragma.c into crypo.c (to minimize differences with SQLite upstream releases) and fix compilation errors for non-amalgamation builds
  • Uses the latest SQLite as a baseline
Community edition users can now update to the latest SQLCipher on GitHub, and a new download of SQLCipher for Android is also available.  The SQLCipher for Android library has added support for x86 Android devices in this release.
New versions of the SQLCipher Commercial Editions for iOS, MacOS, Windows, ADO.NET, MonoTouch, and MonoDroid are already on sale in the SQLCipher Store. Note: commercial users who have purchased the binaries within the past 6 months may contact us for a complementary update.

Tempo Maintenance, Monday December 3rd at 9PM EST

2012-11-28 15:56:24 -0500

This Monday night, December 3rd at 9pm EST, Tempo and other web systems will be temporarily unavailable while we perform critical patch updates to ensure the stability of our services. We will also be updating Tempo's API end-points to respond properly to JSON requests. 

This maintenance outage will also affect the Tempo API, the the Connect website, and the site for Codebook.

Down time could last up to 1 hour, however we hope it will be completed much more quickly. If you need to get in touch with us for any reason, please don’t hesitate.

STRIP for OS X 1.2.7 Released

2012-10-26 10:33:39 -0400

Yesterday, version 1.2.7 of STRIP for OS X was released. This update provides makes a couple of minor changes:

  • Provides a warning/confirmation before deleting a label and associated fields
  • Fixes bug where main window could be duplicated on setup
  • Fixes bug where sync service would hang after attempting a restore from a database with a different key
  • New STRIP icon

You can download this update from the Mac App Store.

Known Issues:

  • Attempts to sync with a Dropbox folder stored on another volume (e.g. not the system disk) will fail
  • Multi-line text is not always displayed correctly

More fixes and new features are on the way!

Tempo Maintenance, Thursday October 25th at 10 PM EDT

2012-10-24 18:21:35 -0400

This Thursday night, October 25th at 10pm EDT, Tempo and other web systems will be temporarily unavailable while we perform critical patch updates to ensure the stability of our services.

This maintenance outage will also affect the Tempo API, the the Connect website, and the site for Codebook.

Down time could last up to 1 hour, however we hope it will be completed much more quickly. If you need to get in touch with us for any reason, please don’t hesitate.