PCL Support Now Available on SQLCipher for Xamarin

2015-12-10 07:00:00 -0500


Following the release of the SQLCipher for Windows Universal Application Platform package, we have issued a major update to our SQLCipher packages on the Xamarin platform which now includes PCL support.

SQLCipher for Xamarin iOS and SQLCipher for Xamarin Android include two different client libraries for interfacing with a SQLCipher database. First, the Mono.Data.Sqlcipher library for data access with an ADO.NET style interface. We have recently replaced our second client library, previously based on sqlite-net with that of SQLite.Net.Core-PCL. While the new library maintains much of the same behavior as its predecessor, providing a light weight ORM, it is now PCL compatible. This will allow developers targeting both iOS and Android devices using the Xamarin platform to share much of their data model source code, minimizing duplication across platforms.

A sample below shows how quickly you can construct a secured SQLCipher database connection for your Xamarin iOS application.

var password = "SQLCipher!";
var documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
var libraryPath = Path.Combine(documentsPath, "..", "Library");
var databasePath = Path.Combine(libraryPath, "sqlcipher.db");
var conn = new SQLiteConnection(new SQLitePlatformIOS(password), databasePath);

If you are interested in giving either SQLCipher for Xamarin iOS, or SQLCipher for Xamarin Android a try, trials are available for both. Please feel to reach out if you have any questions.

SQLCipher for Windows Universal Application Platform

2015-12-01 07:00:00 -0500

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of our commercial SQLCipher for Windows Universal Application Platform package, available for purchase here. We have previously supported both the Windows Runtime and Windows Phone platforms as separate component packages, however moving to the Windows 10 platform allows for a different approach. We will continue to support the older individual packages with updates to SQLCipher, however for developers looking to strictly target Windows 10 on the desktop, and/or Windows 10 Mobile we now have a unified package option.

Application Integration

The new package is bundled as a Visual Studio extension and local Nuget package. The client library itself uses the SQLite.Net.Core-PCL component providing a lightweight ORM interface. Utilizing a PCL component at the base allows for shared database logic between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile projects, further simplifying the developers ability to target multiple platforms and minimize code duplication.

SQLCipher For Windows uap

The component packaging includes precompiled binaries, documentation, and demos to allow for quick integration of new or existing projects wishing to protect their data. A sample below shows how quickly you can construct a secured SQLCipher database connection for your Windows 10, or Windows 10 Mobile application.

var key = "SQLCipher!";
var databaseFile = "test.db";
var databasePath = Path.Combine(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path, databaseFile);
var connection = new SQLiteConnection(new SQLitePlatformWinRT(key), databasePath);

Please note, this new package requires usage of Visual Studio 2015. SQLCipher for Windows Universal Application Platform does not work within the Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 platforms, nor does it work on the Windows Runtime operating system; we offer separate packages for these environments. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Importing LastPass Data with STRIP

2015-08-26 23:00:00 -0400

Update: This blog post is outdated. We have since updated our instructions for switching from LastPass to Codebook in our documentation.

Perhaps it’s because LastPass has been in the news—the company has recently been purchased by LogMeIn—we’ve gotten some inquiries as to how one can import LastPass data in STRIP. It’s pretty easy:

1. Log in to your LastPass Vault

LastPass Login

2. Click on Tools > Export

LastPass Vault

3. Save the file and open it with a text or spreadsheet editor

LastPass csv Unedited

4. Rename “name” to “Entry” and “grouping” to “Category

LastPass csv Edited

Note that Entry and Category are capitalized. Save your changes and close the file.

5. Launch STRIP, login, select File > Import

Select the CSV file you just edited.

That’s it!

What is STRIP?

2015-08-26 23:00:00 -0400

STRIP is a password manager and data vault. But much more than that, STRIP offers a flexible data model, cross platform sync, excellent customer service, and a high standard of data encryption. The history of STRIP began back in 1998 as an app for the Palm OS. Ever since then, STRIP has been advancing with its full database encryption using AES-256, user interface, and additional features which make it stand out. It is important to note that this is a standalone application: no account registration needed. Your data is yours to keep. Even when you sync, your data is fully encrypted and can remain cloudless if you sync over wifi. This video gives an overview of what STRIP is and dives into it’s features.

As always, if there are any questions, concerns, issues, or feedback please let us know.

Passwords 15

2015-07-28 22:16:00 -0400

Passwords conference logo

A hacker conference that’s all about passwords, PIN codes, and digital authentication.

We are excited to announce that we are sponsoring and attending Passwords 15 this August 4th and 5th in Las Vegas! It’s an annual conference held alongside the BSides hacker conference which brings together some of the brightest minds in the field—among them password crackers, researchers, and security experts.

Representing us will be two members of our development team, Micah Moore and Billy Gray. If you’re attending as well, don’t be shy, say hello. This is our third year attending Passwords; last year we sponsored the conference and delivered two talks ourselves. Here’s the one we gave on enhancing password-based key derivation techniques:

This year we’re just going to take it all in. The talks are really engaging, some demonstrate cutting-edge cracking techniques and delve into theory while others try to make sense of all the research out there and address wider issues. BSides is of the same caliber: there’s never a dull moment, and the pool party isn’t bad, either ;) Hope to see you there!