2013-09-18 10:53:50 -0400

Update: We've become aware of a minor issue with iOS 7 that may cause difficulty loggin in if you use the application "abc / 123" keyboard switch. Please read this follow-up post for information on this issue and simple fixes.

Here at Zetetic we're always on alert when a new iOS version is released, and iOS 7 is upon us. We've seen our password manager STRIP through four previous major upgrades to iOS (from iPhoneOS 2 to iOS 6) and we've learned a few things over that time. If you are preparing to upgrade to iOS 7 and are wondering if STRIP is ready and what you need to do, this post is for you.

Ready to Rock

We've been testing STRIP 2.0.3 (the current version in the iTunes App Store) on iOS 7 for some time now, and we're pleased to report that the app works just fine as it is. It looks and works just the same as before. We've worked hard to see if there are any bugs lurking, and there very well may be some, but so far so good, STRIP is ready. The next major version of STRIP (2.1.0) has also been extensively tested on iOS 7 and we hope to submit that for release soon, as it contains significant improvements for protecting your data along with various minor features and adjustments. Stay tuned for that in the coming weeks.

Take a Backup Before You Upgrade

Major upgrades to iOS involve backing up your data, installing the new version of iOS, and then restoring your data. If the restore does not complete, you could be left with missing data (music, apps, etc) after the upgrade. Usually repeating the restore part of the process takes care of that, but we advise that you to take your own backup of your device's and STRIP's data before beginning the iOS upgrade process.

If you use STRIP's sync functionality to replicate your data to Dropbox, Google Drive, or a desktop over WiFi, you already have another snapshot of your data you can use to restore STRIP in the event that the iOS upgrade wipes out your data. If you haven't synced STRIP to one of these targets, or it's been a while, do a fresh sync before starting the iOS upgrade so the data in your backup is up-to-date.

You can also backup your entire device to iTunes or iCloud for restore after the iOS upgrade. We strongly encourage you to do this as well. Apple provides updated, step-by-step instructions on backing up and restoring via iTunes and iCloud.

One thing we'd like to point out is that a Restore post-upgrade is part of the iOS upgrade process. Your music, data, and third-party apps are restored (somewhat slowly) after the upgrade and after the device becomes available. If you are upgrading via iTunes, be sure to watch the iTunes display and do not disconnect your device from your computer until the restore completes fully.

Send Us Your Feedback

After you upgrade to iOS 7, please give STRIP a shot and let us know how it goes. If you have any problems at all, please reach out to us directly at, we'll be standing by. Feel free to leave comments on this post, let us know how the app is running on iOS 7 and if you have any ideas for improvements.

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