Strip for iOS 1.6.0, Strip for OS X 1.2.0 Released

2011-10-09 20:00:00 -0400

Today is a big day for us, as we’re releasing two application updates for Strip, introducing our support for Dropbox as a sync and replication target.

Strip for OS X 1.2.0

Strip for OS X got a lot of bug fixes and minor adjustments to go along with the new Dropbox sync feature. Here’s the change list:

  • Dropbox Sync integration (menu: Sync –> Sync with Dropbox)
  • Integrity Check added for recovering orphaned records (menu: File –> Integrity Check…)
  • Fix: After deleting selected category or entry, display not updated correctly
  • Fix: Sorting disabled on Customize Labels panel
  • Fix: Fields of varying height drawn over each other, obscuring data
  • Add drag-and-drop field re-ordering on an entry
  • Add copy-and-paste for entries! (useful for templating entries)
  • Drag-and-drop entries into another category
  • Ready for OS X Lion
  • Last Sync label not populated on Get Info / Database Information panel
  • Add Replica GUID and Replica CSN to Database Information
  • Add “Export as Strip CSV” option to Export so users can also export to plain CSV if needed
  • Fix crashes in Export due to empty field values
  • Fix crash on Import

Get the latest version of Strip for OS X from the Mac App Store.

Mac App Store Badge US UK

Strip for iOS 1.6.0

Changes in this version:

  • Dropbox Sync integration
  • More adjustments for better landscape-orientation support (login screen rotates!)
  • Ends support for iOS 3.1.3, requires iOS 4.0 or greater
  • Minor memory leak in database connection manager eliminated

Note that with Strip for iOS 1.6.0 we are requiring our customers to have iOS 4.0 or greater installed on their devices. We realize this will be painful for a small number of some of our customers, but it’s important that we prepare the Strip platform to adopt new technologies in iOS 4 and iOS 5 while shedding the weight of deprecated APIs. Being that iPhone 3G devices and later support iOS 4, and that these all appear to run more efficiently with iOS 4, this new platform requirement shouldn’t keep many from upgrading, and will allow us to develop Strip more quickly in the future. We have big changes planned for the future, and we expect we’ll be requiring iOS 5 once we get around to releasing Strip 2.0.

Get the latest version of Strip for iOS from the iTunes App Store.

Strip App Store

Strip for Windows 1.2.0: Coming Soon!

Strip for Windows 1.2.0, which will provide support for Dropbox sync as well, is in the works and on the way. Stay tuned for updates!

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