Tempo - tagging bug fixed, call for beta testers

2009-05-28 20:00:00 -0400

Bug fix

We recently received reports of duplicate tags in Tempo. Turns out that it was possible to submit a tag with leading or trailing white-space from the batch-tagging interface, and this could cause the creation of a new, unwanted tag. This has been repaired and shouldn’t be a problem in the future. We ripped through the database and repaired incidences of this, but if you need us to make any other corrections to your account data, don’t hesitate to ask.

Redesign Beta

We’ve been working really hard on a redesigned interface for Tempo. Our friends over at nGen Works put together a fantastic new design, and we’ve been working it in and testing it over the last few weeks. We have a few more bugs and quirks to iron out, but we’re about ready to start the beta testing. If you want to participate in the beta, please send us an e-mail and we’ll let you know when you can have at it!

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