Tempo API Update 18-FEB-09

2009-02-17 19:00:00 -0500

We’re going to push out a couple of changes to the Tempo API tonight at 10pm EST. Last night we found a small bug that prompted us to address a pair of issues, and update our documentation:

A type attribute will be required for multi-value params in context search:

The /entries/search end-point allows you to post an XML document that we call a context. It’s a lot like the Tempo reporting interface, it allows you to specify a set of parameters and it will return the corresponding entries if the request is well-formed.

Certain parameters that you can send up in a context document are multi-valued and must be presented within a type=“array” set. These are tags, project-ids, user-ids, and exclude-tags. Here’s an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-ids type="array">
<project-id type="integer">1024</project-id>
<project-id type="integer">2048</project-id>
<project-id type="integer">8192</project-id>
<exclude-tags type="array">

This has actually always been the case, but our documentation did not reflect this.

The interval parameter will be supported in context search:

As shown the example above, you can use an interval shortcut string to avoid having to specify start-date and end-date. The list of currently available intervals is:

  • today
  • yesterday
  • thisweek
  • lastweek
  • last7days
  • thismonth
  • lastmonth
  • thisquarter
  • lastquarter
  • thisyear
  • lastyear
  • alltime

XML output includes type attribute hints:

For all non-string data in output from our XML API, a type attribute has been re-introduced. This shouldn’t break anybody’s compatibility with the API, as we haven’t had any attributes present in the past for you to look up, but please get in touch if you think this will be a problem for you. This is an example of what that looks like:

<command nil="true" />
<created-at type="datetime">2008-03-31T15:06:46-04:00</created-at>
<creator-id type="integer">2048</creator-id>
<hours type="decimal">5.0</hours>
<id type="integer">8192</id>
<is-locked type="boolean">true</is-locked>
<is-timing type="boolean">false</is-timing>
<notes>client meeting in NYC to discuss project requirements</notes>

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