Tempo: A Peak at the Team Views

2009-11-17 19:00:00 -0500

In anticipation of the upcoming update to Tempo, codenamed “Teams,” here’s a quick look at two new screens that we think add a new dimension and value to our time tracker.

First up is the Team view itself:

Tempo Team View

As you can see, it lists the members of your team by name, provides you an entry point to edit a user, to run a report for that user, info on the user’s last time entry, and recent stats. Of course, clicking that spark line will present you with a utilization bar graph for yet more information. It’s our hope that this view gives you a new tool to see how your team is doing!

See that ‘Team Status’ link in there? Well, while we were putting this screen together, we kept having an itch to build a supplementary view. Something simple and concise that shows you just what your team is working on right now. Thus, the Team Status view was born:

Tempo Team Status

As you can see, it looks a lot like a Twitter feed! It’s low noise, shows you what’s going on in your group right now, and there’s even a handy mobile view:

Tempo Mobile Team Status

We’re hustling to get ready for the update this weekend. Will post a notice here when we’re ready to set an exact time for performing the update, as it will result in some downtime Saturday night.

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