Coming Soon: Tempo Teams

2009-10-27 20:00:00 -0400

Team Tempo Assignments

Over the last year a whole lot has changed with Tempo, our time-tracking system. Actually, in the last two years the system has seen constant development and two major re-designs as we added features, responded to our customers’ feedback, and addressed rather-justified gripes about our lack of design skill shown in the early revisions. At this point Tempo has a fantastic look and feel, is extremely stable, and has a satisfied and steadily-growing base of free users and paid subscribers.

However, all that work takes a long time and involves a great deal of testing, usually with a number of our customers helping us beta the changes before release, for which we are quite grateful. After a major revision of Tempo is released, there’s always a period of adjustment for our users, too, so there’s a hidden cost there as well.

With that in mind, I’m happy to say that the next major revision of Tempo, Teams, is almost here, and should involve very little adjustment for those who are using the system every day. The changes are big, but they are mostly below the surface. This revision makes Tempo a lot more flexible for us and our customers, and is allowing us to implement some oft-requested features from our long-time users. This revision is called Teams because it is specifically aimed at making the management of a team on Tempo as easy as it ought to have been in the first place.

If you’d like to get an early look at the new system, please get in touch with us and we’ll send you the link and some short instructions.

Here’s a list of the bigger changes:

  • Quick assignment of users to multiple projects.
  • All paid users will have an account associated with their user identity.
    • Free users working on their own will also have accounts generated.
  • All of these accounts have their own subdomain (e.g.
  • Accounts can have managers with more control than project managers.
  • All people on your projects have been copied or moved into your account.
  • Paid plans will be scaled by people-per-account, not people-per-project.
  • Every paid account is gifted an extra two users to accommodate that change.
    • e.g. Moderato accounts with 10 users on various projects would be get 12 users.
  • Auto-detection of mobile browsers for an updated mobile view.
  • Legacy support for the ‘’ mobile address.
  • Saved Reports can be organized into groups.

We haven’t set a release date just yet, but we’re aiming for the middle of November, so that we can address any issues before the end-of-month billing period.

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