Tempo integrates with Quickbooks, Blinksale, Basecamp, and Twitter

2008-05-12 20:00:00 -0400

Here’s a quick round-up of the latest batch of features in the new release of Tempo time tracking.


Time tracking is critical to any service business but it doesn’t stand alone. After all, at the end of the month you need to get paid! Tempo isn’t an accounting system but we now make it really easy to prepare invoices with two of the best:

  1. Blinksalethe easiest way to send invoices online and
  2. Quickbooksthe most complicated way to send invoices offline. Just kidding on that last part. Sort of.

Safari Screen Snap

If you’re on a Moderato+ plan then generating an invoice is easy and works right from the Time & Reports screen – what you see is what you get. Select your report criteria (dates, projects, people, tags) and the invoice will be generated for the time entries in view. Here’s some more info.


Like many companies we like Basecamp for project management. Now Moderato+ users can import from Basecamp so project setup only takes a few seconds. Tempo will even send invites out to your team.


In the past we’ve been hesitant to add a timer to Tempo but, based on feedback from our users, we’ve caved. Tempo is about flexibility and giving you more options. The Tempo Bookmarklet now has a small ‘start timer’ link under the Hours field that will time you at your tasks.

International Support

Borrowing from Mr. Rick Olsen, we included detection of a user’s time zone directly from the web browser. With this change in place Tempo will be much friendlier for international users and will correctly display default dates and time ranges.


Shortly after we released mobile time-tracking features, we made it possible to tweet your time with Twitter. Setup is a snap and many of our users like the flexibility this option provides. There has already been some great buzz about this, but we never really made an “official” announcement. So there it is!

Free Dashboard

In the past we’ve restricted free plan users from using the project dashboard and making changes to their “default” project. But now free plan users get dashboard access, can rename their project and set an estimate. Even better, they can be added as project “managers” by folks on premium plans. As a project manager a user can see the project on their dashboard, track it vs. its estimate, and see the team roster.

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