Tempo Updates: Timer Display and Widget

2008-12-12 19:00:00 -0500

We made a quick update to Tempo today, will make this brief:

  • Display of start and stop times in entry notes is now a user preference.
  • In addition, you can specify append or prepend for timer display.
  • There’s a new API field ‘timer-sessions’ on the entry resource
  • Dashboard Widget prevents double-submission of an entry.
  • Dashboard Widget is a little bit taller.

You can download the updated Dashboard Widget for Mac OS X here.

The timer-sessions field presents the start and stop times one after the other, semi-colon delimited. It looks like this:

<command>posting about new changes @blogging</command>
<timer-sessions>11:16 AM - 11:16 AM; 03:56 PM - 03:57 PM</timer-sessions>

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