SQLCipher Benchmarking and Performance Testing

Commercial & Enterprise Edition Feature

SQLCipher Commercial and Enterprise packages contain a special extension which provides a way to benchmark performance characteristics of queries and statements. This feature helps developers to:

  1. Quantify the impact of encryption compared to standard non-encrypted databases
  2. Analyze performance differences between different security settings
  3. Benchmark performance between application or SQLCipher releases
  4. Compare the impact of different database designs, index strategies, and content queries to optimize an application.

The performance testing feature utilizes the following:

  • A test configuration table that stores a developer-defined list of statements to run during each test along with information like a friendly name, the number of times to run the statement, and whether to run the statement(s) in a transaction.
  • An extension function sqlcipher_perf_setup() which creates the configuration table.
  • A results table where the timings for each test are stored.
  • An extension function sqlcipher_perf_test() which times each execution, collects various performance statistics, and stores them in the results table.

The overall process for using this feature follows:

First, execute SELECT sqlcipher_perf_setup(); to create the test definition table. The default table name is sqlcipher_perf_tests, but a custom table name can be provided to the function. For example, SELECT sqlcipher_perf_setup('my_tests'); will override the table name to my_tests.

Next, perform an insert into the test definition table for each statement that should be run. The columns of the table follow:

Column Name Description
name the name of the test step, which is useful for comparison between results
sql the text of the SQL statement to be run
iterations the number of times to run the SQL, in sequence, using a prepared statement
use_txn whether to execute the SQL statement(s) in a transaction

For example, to test the creation of a simple table, followed by the creation of 1000 records without using a transaction, insert the following:

    INSERT INTO sqlcipher_perf_tests (name, sql, iterations, use_txn)
        'CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c BLOB);', 1, 0);

    INSERT INTO sqlcipher_perf_tests (name, sql, iterations, use_txn)
        'INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (random() % 100, random() % 100, randomblob(100));', 1000, 0);

Finally, call SELECT sqlcipher_perf_test(); to execute the test. The function will take two optional parameters, first the name of the test definition table, and second the name of a custom results table. If the tests table is not specified, sqlcipher_perf_tests will be used. If the results table is not provided the results will be written to sqlcipher_perf_results by default. The results table will be created automatically if it does not exist, and the results will be inserted. Each row of the results table will include the following information:

Column Name Description
name the name of the test step executed
time_us the total clock time in microseconds (μs) that the test step took to run
changes the number of rows changed by the statement
result_bytes the total size of the result sets processed by the statements in bytes
mem_start the amount of memory used by the database library prior to the start of the test, as reported by SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED
mem_high the highest amount of memory used by the database library as reported by SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT
mem_stop the amount of memory used by the database library after the test, as reported by SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED
malloc_start the number of individual memory allocations checked out prior to the start of the test as reported by SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT
malloc_high the highest number of individual memory allocations checked out as reported by SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT
malloc_stop the number of individual memory allocations checked out after the test as reported by SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT

Using these basic building blocks it is possible to orchestrate fairly complex tests. By using different attached databases, developers can compare exection using different encryption contexts, database structures, etc. The following example will run a simple baseline test for creating a table, inserting data, and the selecting data. First it will execute it on a standard plaintext database, then on an encrypted database.

SELECT sqlcipher_perf_setup(); -- create the tests table

-- test to create a table
INSERT INTO sqlcipher_perf_tests (name, sql, iterations, use_txn)
  VALUES('create table','CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testdb.perftest(a,b,c);', 1, 0);

-- insert 10000 records with a random distribution of IDs in a trasnaction
INSERT INTO sqlcipher_perf_tests (name, sql, iterations, use_txn)
  VALUES('insert 10000','INSERT INTO testdb.perftest (a,b,c) values (abs(random() % 1000), abs(random() % 1000), hex(randomblob(100)));', 10000, 1);

-- create an index
INSERT INTO sqlcipher_perf_tests (name, sql, iterations, use_txn)
  VALUES('create index','CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS testdb.a_index ON perftest(a);', 1, 0);

-- select 0.1% of the records using the index, 1,000 times
INSERT INTO sqlcipher_perf_tests (name, sql, iterations, use_txn)
  VALUES('select 0.1% w/ index 1,000 times','SELECT * FROM testdb.perftest WHERE a = abs(random() % 1000);', 1000, 0);

-- Attach a plaintext, non-encrypted database named "testdb" and run the tests on it
-- Store the results in results_plaintext
ATTACH DATABASE 'plaintext.db' AS testdb;
SELECT sqlcipher_perf_test(NULL, 'results_plaintext');

-- Attach an encrypted database named "testdb" and run the tests on it
-- Store the results in encrypted_plaintext
ATTACH DATABASE 'encrypted.db' AS testdb KEY 'test123';
SELECT sqlcipher_perf_test(NULL, 'results_encrypted');

Once the tests are completed it is possible to compare and contrast the performance differences between the two test runs, e.g. the following query

  b.time_us - a.time_us AS difference_ms, -- execution time difference in microseconds (μs)
  CAST((CAST(ABS(a.time_us - b.time_us) AS REAL) / CAST(a.time_us AS REAL)) * 100.0 AS INTEGER) AS difference_pct -- percent difference, neatly formatted
  results_plaintext a INNER JOIN results_encrypted b ON a.name = b.name

Similarly, using this feature, developers can easily benchmark performance using their own custom data structures and actual application data.