Download Codebook 4 Beta 4

Use this page to download the Codebook 4 Beta 4 for macOS and Windows.

Note: Access to this software is only intended for registered Codebook 4 Beta Testers. Please sign up before downloading to obtain access to important information about the Beta. Codebook 4 does not sync with Codebook 3, requiring the user to update to Codebook 4 on all platforms, including iOS and Android (available through TestFlight and Google Play, after signing up).

Download Agreements

Please affirm the following statements to access the beta download links.

Export Compliance

I am not a) in an export restricted or embargoed country (i.e. Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, and Venezuela), b) on or affiliated with any party on the Department of Commerce lists of Denied Persons, Unverified Parties or Entities. I agree not to re-export to any restricted countries, persons, parties, or entities.

License Agreement

Beta Software Warning

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