• Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Windows

Desktop WiFi Sync

The Desktop WiFi service lets you sync Codebook on a mobile device (e.g. Android, iPhone) with Codebook on a Mac or Windows PC over your local WiFi network. When Codebook is running and unlocked on the desktop it starts up a sync service (when enabled, in Preferences for Windows or Settings for macOS) and listens for connections from Codebook on your mobile device.

Manual Sync Required

Launch Codebook on the mobile device and use the Sync view to initiate sync with the desktop.

The Desktop WiFi service uses port 57419. Your data is encrypted with your Sync Key over the network.

Directly syncing desktop-to-desktop and mobile-to-mobile over WiFi is not currently supported.

If you're having trouble using the Desktop WiFi sync service, we have a troubleshooting guide here that may be helpful. As always, please feel free to reach out to our support team for help.

If you are using both iOS and macOS, and are unable to use a local WiFi network for sync, you can create a temporary, or Ad Hoc, WiFi network for sync. More information is available here.

  1. Setup your Sync Key

    You need to create or import your Sync Key.

    Setup Sync Key

  2. Select Desktop Wifi service

    On macOS

    1. Open the Codebook Settings window. Codebook -> Settings...
    2. Select the Sync tab on the Settings window.

      Click to open the Sync Service drop-down list.

      Sync Settings - Sync Service Drop-Down

    3. Select Desktop WiFi from the drop-down list

      windows sync desktop wifi screen filled in

    4. Start Desktop WiFi sync from Codebook on your mobile device.

    On Windows

    1. Open the Codebook Preferences window, select the File menu -> Preferences.
    2. Select the Sync tab on the Preferences window and click the selector to display the drop-down list of sync options.
    3. Select the Desktop WiFi and click Save

      windows preference screen

    4. Start Desktop WiFi sync from Codebook on your mobile device.

    On iOS

    1. Open the Codebook Sync screen. Tap Sync in the tab bar at the bottom of the screen.

      ios settings screen

    2. Select the sync service to use:

      1. Tap the Service row
      2. Tap to select Desktop WiFi

        ios sync set service screen ios sync set type screen

    3. Set Computer for Desktop WiFi:

      1. Tap Computer to Browse Network.
      2. Select the network from those that are displayed. (This must match the network being used on the desktop.)

        ios sync wifi screen ios sync local network screen

    On Android

    1. Open the Codebook Sync screen. Tap Home -> Sync
    2. Set the Service:

      • Tap Service
      • Tap to select Desktop WiFi

        android sync screen android sync wifi sync screen android sync selector screen

    3. Set Desktop WiFi:

        1. Tap Computer to Browse Network.
        2. Select the network from those that are displayed. (This must match the network being used on the desktop.)

          android sync wifi computer sync screen android sync wifi network screen