• Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Windows

Restoring Data from Backup

The easiest way to restore your data to an instance of Codebook (say a fresh install on a new device) is to sync the data over from another copy of Codebook where you had previously updated or synced your data. Alternatively, one can restore data by performing a sync with Dropbox or Google Drive, assuming you have previously used Codebook's Sync feature with either service and have either a printed copy of your Backup Code or a copy of your Word List.

If restoring your data with Codebook's Sync feature is not an option for you and you are using an iOS device, Apple has instructions available for restoring your data from iCloud and iTunes backups.

There are two ways to restore your data when you have Codebook on another device. If you have a desktop version and a mobile version, you can restore using Desktop WiFi. Otherwise, you need to use Dropbox or Google Drive to restore your data.

  1. Desktop WiFi Sync: Used for Desktop and Mobile Device

    To restore Codebook data on iPhone, iPad and Android via Desktop WiFi:

    1. Launch Codebook on your desktop and sign in
    2. Ensure that your Sync Preference is set to Desktop WiFi (For Windows: File menu -> Preferences -> Sync, For macOS: Codebook menu -> Preferences -> Sync)
    3. Leave Codebook on your desktop running and signed in
    4. Install Codebook on your mobile device and set your Sync Key to your existing desktop Sync Key. For detailed instructions see Syncing with a New Device
    5. Select the Sync tab (For iDevice: More -> Sync, For Android: Home -> Sync)
    6. Ensure Mode is set to Desktop WiFi
    7. Tap on Computer to choose your computer on the network
    8. Tap Start Sync

    To restore Codebook data to a desktop from your iPhone, iPad or Android device via Desktop WiFi:

    1. Install Codebook on your desktop and set your Sync Key to your existing mobile device Sync Key. For detailed instructions see Syncing with a New Device
    2. Set desktop Sync Preference to Desktop WiFi (For Windows: File menu -> Preferences -> Sync, For macOS: Codebook menu -> Preferences -> Sync)
    3. Launch Codebook on you mobile device
    4. Select the Sync tab (For iDevice: More -> Sync, For Android: Home -> Sync)
    5. Ensure Mode is set to Desktop WiFi
    6. Tap on Computer to choose your computer on the network
    7. Tap Start Sync
  2. Sync via Dropbox or Google Drive

    This is the method to restore your data from another device by syncing via the cloud (Dropbox or Google Drive). Let's call the device containing your data Device A and the device that needs the data Device B.

    1. Sync Device A to Dropbox or Google Drive. For detailed instructions see - Sync Setup
    2. Setup your Sync Key on the Device B to match Device A. You do this by displaying the Sync Key on Device A and scanning it on Device B. For detailed instructions see - Display Sync Key for Scanning
    3. Set Sync Preferences on Device B to Dropbox or Google Drive
    4. Perform Sync on Device B

You can use this method to restore your data if you have previously synced to Dropbox or Google Drive AND have either a printed copy of your Codebook Backup Code or a written copy of your Backup Word List. You will need to setup your Sync Key using one of these backups, set your Sync Preference to the same Dropbox or Google Drive account and run a Sync.

  • Restore Using a Printed Codebook Backup Code

    1. Start the Sync Key setup process (For Windows and macOS: Sync menu > Setup Sync Key, For iDevice: More -> Sync -> Setup Sync Key, For Android: Home -> Sync -> Setup Sync Key)
    2. You will be asked - Have you previously created a Sync Key within Codebook on another platform or device? Select Yes
    3. The Import Sync Key screen will be displayed to scan a printed copy of your Backup Sync Key. Select Scan QR Code
    4. You may be prompted to allow Codebook to have access to your new device's camera. Select OK
    5. Point the camera at your Printed Backup Sync Key to capture the code. For help Scanning your QR Code - Trouble Scanning QR Code
    6. QR Code Captured will be displayed. Enter the master password associated with the Sync Key. This should be written on the printed Codebook Backup Code
    7. Tap Process
    8. The message Processing QR Code will be displayed, followed by the Setup Complete screen.
    9. If you have already linked to Dropbox or Google Drive, you will be prompted to update the Cloud Sync Service. This will restore your data
    10. If you have not linked to a cloud service, you need to perform a Sync to restore your data. For detailed instructions see - Sync Setup
  • Restore Using a Word List

    1. Start the Sync Key setup process (For Windows and macOS: Sync menu > Setup Sync Key, For iDevice: More -> Sync -> Setup Sync Key, For Android: Home -> Sync -> Setup Sync Key)
    2. You will be asked - Have you previously created a Sync Key within Codebook on another platform or device? Select Yes
    3. The Import Sync Key screen will be displayed. Select Enter Word List
    4. Enter the 20 words that comprise your word list in order. A message stating that your Sync Key has been imported will be displayed
    5. If you have already linked to Dropbox or Google Drive, you will be prompted to update the Cloud Sync Service. This will restore your data
    6. If you have not linked to a cloud service, you need to perform a Sync to restore your data. For detailed instructions see - Sync Setup