• Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Windows

Getting Started

Wrapping Up

You made it to the end of the Getting Started tutorials! Thank you for sticking with it, hopefully they were easy to follow. We've covered how data is stored in Codebook, how to edit that data, how to change you passwords, and how to use some of Codebook's more advanced features like form-filling. Along the way we've also tried to demonstrate how flexible the app can be with regards to how you arrange your records.

Each of the tutorials you just read showed you how to use Codebook on just one platform. You might enjoy going back to the beginning and skimming through the other platform versions of the articles. Just click on the Platform: menu at the top of this or the other Codebook Help pages to switch platforms.

What's Next

Now that you've learned the basics of using Codebook, you'll want to check out using the Sync feature so that you can use Codebook on more than one device! It doesn't do any good to be using strong random passwords if you can't access them from all of your devices. Codebook supports Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows operating systems. See this page for system requirements and download links.

Digging Deeper

We have extensive documentation available for Codebook here under the online Help pages. If you want to delve into any feature or subject in-depth, that is the place to start.

In addition to the Codebook Help pages, we also have a Frequently Asked Questions section over on our discussion website. If you don't see what you are looking for, please feel free to ask us a question!


We're always working on the Help pages as we work on Codebook. If there's anything we've missed in the documentation, please don't hesitate to contact us.