We're Hiring

2008-09-08 20:00:00 -0400

We just posted this to Craig’s List, but I figure we might as well get it up here, too. We’re looking to hire a web application developer. Our work load is expanding pretty rapidly and it’s time to bring on someone new to help us grow. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you have a pretty good idea of the work that we do and how we roll. We’d really appreciate you forwarding this post on to anybody you know who might be a good fit.

Zetetic is a talented software development consultancy looking for a new teammate. We’re searching for a full-time developer to help us build and maintain client systems and our own applications (our newest product is Tempo, a time-tracking service).

The person we’re looking for has a couple of years experience and work to show off in a personal or professional portfolio. We need a developer with a passion for solving interesting problems.

Basic requirements:

  • A foundation in SQL and relational databases (such as: PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL)
  • Having either built or contributed to a Ruby on Rails or .NET application (with a desire to pick up Ruby)
  • An understanding of object-oriented programming
  • Working knowledge of CSS and Javascript
  • Great verbal and Internet communication skills
  • Self-motivation and an unflappably positive attitude
  • Comfortable working with command line interfaces

To apply send us your resume and a brief cover letter explaining your interest and relevant experience.

E-mail us at support@zetetic.net.

ruby-ldap gem for Windows

2008-09-08 20:00:00 -0400

Ruby/LDAP is a useful ruby library that allows you to connect to and manipulate LDAP directories like OpenLDAP and Active Directory. Unfortunately

  • the library isn’t distributed as a gem; and
  • depends on native LDAP libraries for its operation

This puts it out of reach for many ruby developers deploying to a Windows environment without an installed C compiler. In the past I’ve leaned on a few good Samaritans that posted pre-compiled versions, but unfortunately most of these have either been taken down or are really old.

So, in desperate need of an install on a new windows VM I just built it from source. If you trust our binaries you can download the gem-ified ruby-ldap build based on the latest 0.9.7 release and compiled using Visual Studio 2008.

unzip ldap-0.9.7-mswin32.gem.zip
gem install ldap-0.9.7-mswin32.gem

I’ve tested this on a few boxes, though your mileage may vary.

Zetetic is the creator of the super-flexible Tempo Time Tracking system.

PingMe and T-Mobile - Enabling E-mail to SMS

2008-09-04 20:00:00 -0400

We’ve received reports from some of our PingMe users who are also T-mobile customers that they’ve had difficulty receiving messages from PingMe on their T-mobile phone. Since none of us here at Zetetic is a T-Mobile customer there isn’t much more we can do beyond making sure that the outbound messages are actually being sent.

However, we have word from PingMe user Charles Eubanks that there is an account setting one must tweak in order to allow e-mail messages to be sent directly to your T-Mobile phone as SMS. We haven’t been able to verify this ourselves, but we’ve received a great walk-through description from Charles.

Just a quick explanation: PingMe uses your mobile provider’s e-mail-to-text gateway to send text messages to your mobile device. Not all carriers provide this option, some of them require you to enable or activate it, and some of the more nefarious ones will even charge you extra. However, for most folks it just works and it doesn’t cost any extra (beyond whatever you already pay to receive SMS messages).

That being said, this is the process for allowing email messages to be sent to your T-Mobile handset:

  1. Go to the T-Mobile website and login (or register if you haven’t yet).
  2. When the page loads, hover the pointer over the “My account” tab. One of the options will be “Send a text message.” Click on that.
  3. On the right side of the resulting page is a box with the heading “Resources.” One of the options in that list is “Create e-mail filters.” Click on that.
  4. On that page, there is an option labeled “Block all messages from E-Mail to handset.” Set this to “No.”

Once you’ve gotten that taken care of, you can create a new Mobile target in PingMe for your phone and start receiving and updating your reminders via text!

Reading on CLI's and GUI Interaction

2008-08-26 20:00:00 -0400

As I’ve written here before, we’re really big fans of the efficiency and simplicity of command lines here at Zetetic. We actively use them at points in the PingMe and Tempo are considering expanding our use of them, in particular to include Graphical Keyboard User Interfaces.

So, some interesting reading:

Deep Thought

2008-08-26 20:00:00 -0400

ANYTHING is possible in PL/SQL.