A hacker conference that’s all about passwords, PIN codes, and digital authentication.
We are excited to announce that we are sponsoring and attending Passwords 15 this August 4th and 5th in Las Vegas! It’s an annual conference held alongside the BSides hacker conference which brings together some of the brightest minds in the field—among them password crackers, researchers, and security experts.
Representing us will be two members of our development team, Micah Moore and Billy Gray. If you’re attending as well, don’t be shy, say hello. This is our third year attending Passwords; last year we sponsored the conference and delivered two talks ourselves. Here’s the one we gave on enhancing password-based key derivation techniques:
This year we’re just going to take it all in. The talks are really engaging, some demonstrate cutting-edge cracking techniques and delve into theory while others try to make sense of all the research out there and address wider issues. BSides is of the same caliber: there’s never a dull moment, and the pool party isn’t bad, either ;) Hope to see you there!