STRIP Status Update

2014-01-28 15:12:23 -0500

At our STRIP meeting today we discussed providing more regular, up-to-date information about what versions of STRIP are currently available and what's on the way, a sort of status page. We haven't decided exactly how we'll implement this but for now we'd like to provide an update here on the blog.

STRIP for iOS 2.2.0 - Released - Jan 22, 2014

Minimum iOS version: 6.0

  • Features a new interface customized for iOS 7
  • Various bug fixes, minor feature improvements
  • Sync-compatible with 2.1.0
  • Crashes on sync with Google Drive on 64-bit devices

STRIP for Android 2.2.0 - Released - Jan 22, 2014

Minimum Android version: 2.1

  • Various bug fixes, minor feature improvements
  • Sync-compatible with 2.1.0

STRIP for Windows 2.1.0 - Released - Nov 12, 2013

Minimum Windows version: Windows XP

  • Updates encryption engine to SQLCipher 3
  • Increases PBKDF2 key derivation from 4,000 to 64,000
  • Requires min version 2.1.0 for sync

STRIP for OS X 2.1.0 - Released - Nov 12, 2013

Minimum OS X version: 10.6 Snow Leopard

  • Updates encryption engine to SQLCipher 3
  • Increases PBKDF2 key derivation from 4,000 to 64,000
  • Requires min version 2.1.0 for sync

STRIP for iOS 2.2.1 - Submitted

Minimum iOS version: 6.0

  • Awaiting review from Apple
  • Fixes crash on 64-bit devices during Google Drive sync
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