STRIP for OS X release 2.0.1

2013-06-03 13:01:26 -0400

Monday morning we released STRIP for OS X version 2.0.1 in the Mac App Store, it should be available now. This is a minor but helpful maintenance update with some good bugfixes for version 2.0.0. All customers are encourage to upgrade (rememer to take a backup before upgrading). This release includes the following changes:

  • Adds option to show password generator on edit entry context menu
  • Shows number of entries below entries list
  • Clarifies labels for operations under Sync menu
  • Selects previously selected entry after login
  • Fixes selection of entry upon tab from search field
  • Fixes repeated locking notifications when application is already locked
  • Fixes issue with CSV file import creating empty entries
  • Fixes numeric-only password generation

Customers who're using the version of STRIP for OS X purchased from the Zetetic store will also see the update shortly. Select the STRIP menu and choose "Check for Updates" if automatic update checking is disabled under Preferences.

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