SQLCipher for Android Private Beta Group

2013-04-26 11:03:19 -0400

We are planning to gather a group of users to participate in a private beta of SQLCipher for Android. We are looking for individuals who already have some experience integrating SQLCipher for Android into their application and have an interest how the library evolves in the future. This group will have access to new builds of SQLCipher for Android along with private communications with Zetetic to provide feedback as changes are made.

We have recently been in discussion with members of the Android development team at Google where they have been helpful in testing out some changes to SQLCipher for Android on an upcoming Android platform release. While this is very benefitial, we would like to reach out to the community to further understand how changes to the library may impact you in the future.

If you are interested in helping SQLCipher for Android evolve in the future, and are willing to actively test, provide feedback on new builds, and contribute test cases, you can contact us to be considered for the private beta. Please send emails to support@zetetic.net and include a bit of inforomation about your app and how you currently use SQLCipher in your request. Thanks!