STRIP 2 for OS X beta 1.3.0b5

2013-02-19 15:04:15 -0500

We'll be posting the last few beta update notices for the STRIP 2 for OS X beta here so we have a handy place to refer to the update. If you're not part of the beta test, please ignore this post. If you would like to help us beta test in the future, please write us at We don't have any open slots at the moment, but we always need new folks to help and will add you to the list.

1.3.0b5 Release Notes

Note: This release includes a database update which requires you to update your other copies of STRIP as well to maintain sync compability. Click here to download this release directly. Only registered beta testers with a license from us can run this build, please don't download it if that's not the case for you.

  • Disables "Install & Relaunch" due to incompatibility with OS X Sandbox
  • Updates sync service to support non-ascii UTF-8 characters in password during HMAC authenticaiton
  • 50 new icons to supplement the current set
  • Fix crash on edit

As always, if you have any issues, please email us at

Note: if an issue you've already reported isn't mentioned above, we're still working on it. Thanks!

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