Updated convert-to-strip for 1Password

2013-01-07 11:22:21 -0500

Storage Converter

We've been notified by a few customers looking to switch to STRIP from 1Password about problems reading the 1Password export file. These ranged from blank fields to improperly processing place-holders for deleted records and an older export format. If you've had trouble using this utility, this update will probably help you out. If not, please contact us at support@zetetic.net and we'll get to work on it! This app also allows you to convert SplashID export files to a CSV you can import into STRIP.

Convert to STRIP for Windows »

Convert to STRIP for OS X »

Update: Feb 11, 2013 In response to comments below, bugs have been fixed, and the download links above have been updated/corrected.

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