Strip 1.6.3 Released

2012-01-05 19:00:00 -0500

As of Jan 4th, Strip 1.6.3 (for iOS) is available in the iTunes App Store. This is our best release of Strip to date, providing a slew of major and minor bug-fixes over the previous rev, and a number of new improvements and features. All customers are strongly encouraged to upgrade, this should be a smooth one.

What’s New

This may seem like a minor thing, but the password reset screen got a lot of needed love, as did the shake-to-generate password generator. The latter no longer requires you to shake the device to generate a password, but the accelerometer is still being used for entropy, so we encourage you to wave your iPhone around in public like a maniac before settling on a random password.

There’s also a couple of new preferences available in Settings: defaulting the login keyboard to the numeric keypad (we still discourage this, but it’s been on some of your wish-lists for a long time), and ensuring the pasteboard is cleared of copied data when you exit Strip.

What’s Been Fixed

Editing text for notes in landscape mode has been fixed, and we’ve made it easier to view longer field values on the entry screen by shrinking longer text a bit to fit. We also fixed a nasty but hard-to-track-down bug involving memory warnings and the login screen, which could cause the screen to go blank, and data loss could occur in obscure cases as a result.

Sync operations on the whole should be smoother, and error messages far more informative. In addition, we fixed a couple of nuisance issues you could run into when syncing with Dropbox. Strip now properly reports whether the remote database has a different password (or a different database version—it will automatically update an older database schema before replicating). When a Dropbox operation errors out due to such a condition, Strip will remove the lock-file it places in your Dropbox so you don’t get an additional error on your next sync.


Thanks are due to our beta testers! Thanks very much for taking a chance on the newest version of Strip before we were sure it was ready for public distribution.

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