Strip 1.2 for Windows Released

2011-11-27 19:00:00 -0500

Last week we had a quiet release that we forgot to mention here on the blog, an important update to Strip for Windows. This version includes our Dropbox Sync feature, making it possible to sync your Strip data via Dropbox to iOS, OS X, and Windows.

Full change-log:

  • New Feature – Synchronize Strip desktop with Dropbox!
  • New Feature – New application toolbar for quick access to application functions
  • New Feature – Support field reordering via drag-n-drop move handle
  • Improvement – Improved integrity check command finds and fixes improper field indexes
  • Improvement – Double click non-url fields to switch entry into edit mode
  • Improvement – Proper centering and alignment of modal dialogs
  • Bug Fix – Allow export of data sets containing empty field values
  • Bug Fix – Installer now shows proper program name instead of random string

If you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch.

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