Strip 1.4.8 Released

2010-07-12 20:00:00 -0400

A new update to Strip, our password manager for the iPhone, has been approved by the Apple iTunes App Store, version 1.4.8. This is mostly a bug-fix release for version 1.4.7, and makes the changes list below. While this is a minor update, all users are strongly recommended to backup their data and update to the latest version to ensure compatibility with future versions of Strip.

  • Fixes crash on auto-save of Note during fast-app switching on iOS 4.
  • Autosave is now enabled when editing Notes with a hardware keyboard.
  • Displays GUID of data entities to facilitate sync support requests and debugging.
  • Corrects icon display on import.
  • Fixes a couple of NIB-related crashes introduced by iOS4.
  • Corrects a typo in one of the dialog prompts.

More updates are on the way, but they’re still a few weeks out, so make sure you get the latest and greatest. [ Get it on iTunes ]