Strip 1.4 Coming Soon / Git Pr0n

2010-06-02 20:00:00 -0400

We’re a hair’s breath away from releasing the latest and greatest version of Strip, our password manager and data vault for iPhone OS. Just a few tweaks to make, then we’re on to App Store submission. Strip Sync is also available for general beta, just pop on over to the contact form and drop us a note if you’d like to participate.

We recently merged the development branch into master and tagged the release. I love looking at these stats:

113 files changed, 6956 insertions(+), 4447 deletions(-)

More prep work to do, we’ll keep you posted on our progress. Beta testers – the feedback has been great, please keep it coming!

One last thing to note: the Ad Hoc development and app signing quagmire that Apple has developed to control how we handle beta testing has been a huge hindrance to many of our beta testers. We’re sorry about the complexity, there’s not much we can do about it, but we seem to have most folks getting along alright.