Strip Updates On the Way

2009-09-09 20:00:00 -0400

I was intrigued by Steven Frank’s recent blog post describing how Panic software approaches communicating with customers about feature announcements and product updates. Like Panic, we tend to say little, work a lot behind the scenes, but it sounds like once in a while it’s a good idea to get out in front with a blog post to let your customers know what we’ve been working on and what’s coming.

Our primary development focus with Strip at the current time is a replication library that will be the core of our sync process, and it will likely become an open source project. Many folks have been emailing us to say that they love Strip on the iPhone, but they need desktop sync, and some of them miss the old beaming functionality of STRIP on their Palm devices. The replication engine is almost complete, and is the key to enabling these additional pieces of the Strip platform.

Meanwhile, we’ve got a maintenance update brewing for Strip on the iPhone. We expect the following issues to make it in to the next update, time permitting:

  • Bug: Loss of typed data on lock out while creating a note. (Fixed)
  • Convert existing database cipher mode to improve compatibility with standard SQLCipher configuratione. (In-progress)
  • Rename Lite → Strip migration button for clarity. (Fixed)
  • Fun: Facebook Connect hook for spreading the word. (Complete)
  • Allow copy & duplication of entries so that you can create “template” entries or share common fields. (In-progress)
  • Protect database re-key from application interruptions. (In-progress)
  • Enable FTS3 (full-text) searching, search on type.
  • Bug: Attempts to re-order the Add Field row cause a crash.
UPDATE: have just released a free Palm Strip Export utility for Windows that can dump your Palm OS 2.0 databases to a CSV text file. Check it out here.

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