Trading Ideas from #futureruby

2009-07-15 20:00:00 -0400

I’ve been meaning to get a post up about Future Ruby, the fantastic conference hosted by Unspace last weekend in Toronto, but I haven’t had a chance. Since we got back our team has been playing catch-up, so I wanted to pause quickly to highlight some interesting developments since the conference.

I got to chatting with Dan Grigsby about a possible means of offsetting the iTunes App Store’s negative review bias, and he went and made it a reality, with sample code and all. Very cool.

There were a number of inspiring and challenging presentations that have inspired post-con discussion and debate. If you search on the #futureruby hash tag on Twitter you’ll find all sorts of links to discussions, comment threads, summaries and even video. Looks like even BoingBoing took notice! Many of the attendees (including myself) have taken to watching the tag to keep up and keep in touch with each other.

More thoughts to come tomorrow, there’s more testing to do this afternoon on Tempo for the maintenance update.

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