Future Ruby Panels

2009-06-23 20:00:00 -0400

As the Future Ruby conference in Toronto draws near, I’m getting more and more excited about the event. Within the last day or two the full list of speakers
has been posted on their site along with summaries of the talks, and it’s eye-popping. They range from the philosophical to the far-out to the highly technical. Programming with DNA modules? What?

def MajorKusanagi
mixin homo_sapien, cyborg

add :xray_vision, :therm_optic_camouflage
suppress :cancer

I’m particularly looking forward to experiencing another Giles Bowkett presentation, learning about the Rhodes, Cucumber and Tokyo Cabinet projects from the people behind the tech, and attending another FAILCamp.

We did a lot of chatting with people at Ruby Fringe last year, it’s a good place to put your finger in the air and see which way the winds are blowing. I’ll be curious to see how many of the folks are moving into iPhone and other mobile platform development.

I think there are still a few tickets left — you should come! You don’t need to be a Ruby programmer to dig on a lot of this.