A Good Sign

2009-06-01 20:00:00 -0400

Every time we re-work the user interface for Tempo (we’re now upon our third major overhaul), the same thing happens and it doesn’t take long: I can’t stand to use the old/current interface any longer. The new design by nGen Works is no exception, it totally blows away the last iteration, and I think we’ve very nearly nailed down all the nuts and bolts.

I’m really excited to start the beta and get some of our customers’ feedback. A big thanks to those of you who wrote in asking to participate! We just have some administrative details to take care of and we should be rolling soon. If you’d like to participate in the beta and this is the first you’re hearing of it, just send us an e-mail.

A couple things of note:

  • You will be able to use either the beta interface or the old interface.
  • You will be working against your live, production data