Always Room For Improvement!

2009-01-26 19:00:00 -0500

batman with bombWhile we have a lot of development going on here behind the scenes with regard to our time tracking system Tempo, we’re always looking for more feedback from our customers. Ever since we launched the system we’ve gotten some incredibly thoughtful criticism and suggestions that have driven where we’ve taken the app and will continue to do so.

Last night I pushed out some minor adjustments to the interface and we’re planning to do a slew of such adjustments in the upcoming month. With that in mind, we’d like to hear from you about any tweaks you’d like to see. We all tend to notice things that bother us when we are using the site the most, which is generally right around now, at the end of the month. In particular, I’m interested in hammering down any nails that might be sticking up from the floorboards. If you have the time, please hit us up with any changes you’d like to see, major or minor, by writing us at

Thanks again for your support!