Virus Utilization

2009-01-14 19:00:00 -0500

This post is probably not what you’d expect. But our time-tracker service Tempo has some great charting capabilities. Behold, the effects of a recent virus (of which I will spare you the horrific details) on my productivity:

Virus hud

Above is the Heads-Up-Display, at the top of the main screen. It reads pretty easily – my productivity was sent to bed!

Check out the utilization chart, which is a bit more instructive as to what happened, and when. That’s accessible by clicking the productivity percentage number box in the HUD, or just pulling it up from the Charts tab:

Virus Utilization


Utilization is a measurement concept in Tempo that is supposed to give you a ballpark idea how much of your time is accounted for, compared to how much time is generally available in a work-day. So, for every day in a report, the par for the day is considered to be 7 to 9 hours (which is a pretty common length for a workday), and that’s the horizontal, light-blue bar going across the graph between 7 and 9 on the Y-axis. The bars then show us a visual comparison of our utilization for the time periods. If I were to expand the date range enough, these would be grouped by week, then by month. Here’s what my utilization looks like since Nov 1st, 2008, until now:


So 2008 was a pretty productive year for us here at Zetetic. I can’t really go through it all right here and right now, but we’re quite excited about the new year, improvements we’ll be making to our existing products, and the new products and services we’re currently building.

And with that I’m going back to bed. Offers to send me comfort whisky, cheese burgers and nurses will not be turned away outright.