Service Announcements

2008-12-04 19:00:00 -0500

On Sunday, Decemeber 7th at 9:00pm EST we’ll be performing a maintenance and reliability update on PingMe, so the web interface will be temporarily unavailable, possible until 10pm EST, although we expect things to go a bit quicker than that.

On Monday, December 8th at 9:00pm, we’ll be moving the beta version of Tempo to the main site so that it will be come the default interface. The web interface will be temporarily unavailable and any existing sessions will be closed, requiring you to login the next time you visit the site.

We’re very excited about that second one, been a long time coming! After months of vetting and feedback from our users, the new user interface for Tempo will become the default.

PingMe is getting a patch to take care of setting dates in the next calendar year without having to specify the year, and code that improves our follow-backs on Twitter.