Welcome to the re-designed home of Zetetic! While the company has always been named Zetetic, most of our big clients have known us through our DBA, Identicentric. We decided that one awesome brand is better than two, and as part of our consolidation we had nGen Works come up with a new logo for us, and a whole new website design.
For those of you reading the RSS feed, I encourage you to click on over, check out the site, and leave us your thoughts in the comments. It’s not quite so hid anymore, I promise. Here’s the new logo, that has us really stoked:
One thing I really love about it is that it tells you how to pronounce our name. The badge is actually green on the site, although I think it will be white background when printed without color. But I digress!
We’ve only got the basics up right now: home page, blog, contact. Soon we’ll have the rest of the pages up, including documentation and links for our various resources, products, consulting services, and open-source projects.