Codebook Word List Encoding


When backing up your Sync Key, Codebook offers a Word List option as an alternative to printing. Displayed in four rows of five words, the Word List is a special encoding of your Sync Key using the same dictionary of words that Codebook uses to generate Diceware passwords.

How It Works

The word list is created by taking a sync key, which is represented by 32 random bytes, and running it through a decoder. The function encodes the number into 20, base 7776 numbers. Each value corresponds to a place in a list of 7776 words. Finding the words at the indexes of the base 7776 values outputs 20 words. When added together, these create the wordlist.

The moderated diceware list we use was curated by the EFF. They go into further detail in thier own article, but the basic premice is that a diceware list is made by using a die for randomness. The EFF improved this standard dicewear list by removing sensitive or insulting words, aswell as removing words that people often forget or spell wrong.

Perks Of the Wordlist

The biggest perk of this word list is that it makes it easier on users of Codebook to remember and Use. Our number one priority is the customers, and this is yet another way we decided to improve the Codebook experience.

In addition:

  • It is more difficult to make a typo with words as opposed to a random 32 byte code
  • There is a backup to a regular sync key, which will help if there is an issue with a QR code
  • The wordlist can be written down on paper and stored safely offline, so it never traverses a network