• Android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • Windows

Delete Your Sync Key

Please read the following carefully

A Sync Key is required to use Codebook's Sync feature. You must use the same Sync Key for all of your devices for the Sync feature to work correctly. The Delete Sync Key function in Codebook is provided in order to assist you with two pretty specific scenarios:

  1. If you already have another Sync Key in use on your other devices or your Sync service (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive), and it is causing a mis-match error on Sync
  2. If you think your Sync Key may have been exposed and wish to generate a new one

Deleting your Sync Key will not resolve other errors or problems with the Sync feature.

Warning: Using this feature can make your Sync data inaccessible. Any data that was previously synced to a cloud service like Dropbox or Google Drive will no longer be retrievable, leaving you with no backup of your Codebook data. Please consider contacting Codebook support before proceeding.

How It Works

On macOS

  1. Click on the Sync menu
  2. Click on Delete Sync Key...
  3. You will be prompted to confirm: Are you sure you want to delete your Sync Key? Click Delete Sync Key

On Windows

  1. Click on the Sync menu
  2. Click on Delete Sync Key
  3. You will be prompted to confirm: Deleting your Sync Key is a destructive operation that will cause any data previously synced using the deleted Sync Key to be unretrievable? Click Delete Sync Key

On iOS

  1. Tap More > Sync
  2. Tap Delete Sync Key
  3. You will be prompted to confirm: Are you sure you want to delete your Sync Key? Tap Delete Sync Key

On Android

  1. Tap on Home > Sync
  2. Tap Delete Sync Key
  3. You will be prompted to confirm: Are you sure you want to delete your Sync Key? Tap Delete Sync Key