Memorial Holiday Update

2009-05-21 20:00:00 -0400

It’s been a little while since we’ve given any updates on the goings-on here at Zetetic, so a wrap-up is in order.


First, some fun: there’s a brand of clothing apparel in Taiwan that shares a name with us. Accordingly, we need to print some rad t-shirts of our own. I could use a thuggin’ trucker hat for FutureRuby:

Zetetic Technical


We don’t attend that many conferences, but we’re looking to change that. And last year’s RubyFringe was just fantastic. It’s hard to describe, but they’re not kidding: it’s a conference for Rubyists, not a Ruby conference. FutureRuby looks just as promising, and Stephen and I will be there. If you will be, too, make sure to say hello! This is what we look like.


“You gotta tame the beast before you let it out of its cage.” ~ Derrick Zoolander

We’ve undertaken a massive design and interface overhaul for our time-tracker, Tempo. Designed by nGen Works, it’s supra-suhweet, and near complete. We’re hammering out final issues with styles and cross-browser compatibility, and hope to offer a beta test to our users very soon. Hopefully we’ll have this live and out of beta by mid-June.

Strip for iPhone

Our encrypted data vault and password manager, Strip, and the accompanying Strip Lite, have been submitted to the iPhone App Store for review! We’ll let you know when it’s out there, and we plan on offering vouchers to our beta testers for being such a great help. It will be launching with a ton of great features, and it’s been heavily tweaked to make common operations quick and easy. Assuming we get through the approval process without refusal or pocket rejection. Fingers crossed.

We still have to work out a solution for users who want to bring over their Palm Strip databases. One of the reasons we haven’t provided a quick hack just yet is because this requires a secure solution. In fact, it probably requires a desktop-based solution. We’ve got a lot of people asking for a desktop version of Strip that syncs with the iPhone version over a local network connection. That goes hand-in-hand with our development road-map; we intended to provide some back-up/sync capability in the next major revision of the app. So I think it’s time to get cracking. Hopefully if you’ve been waiting for an exporter, you won’t mind waiting just a bit longer. In the meantime we’ll see if we can update Dave Dribin’s strip-dump to support Palm Strip v2 databases (currently it only supports up to v1.1).


SQLCipher is our fork of SQLite that provides page-level database encryption. A lot of people are asking us how to compile SQLCipher in an Xcode project in order to use it in iPhone apps like we’re doing with Strip and Codebook. We’re putting together an article that we’ll publish soon documenting the process step-by-step. In addition, Apple first required that we go through a munitions export approval process with the Department of Commerce and the NSA to get our app reviewed at all. That in and of itself is a really complex process, but we’ve got documentation on that, too, describing how to crank it out. We’ve even got some Google docs we can re-use for filling out the paper work quickly. So there’s lots coming in this area, stay tuned!

Open Source Development

Steve Kradel recently posted Zetetic.Chain to Github, a .NET implementation for the Chain of Responsibility design pattern.

Responding to Online Criticism

2009-05-19 20:00:00 -0400

There I was minding my own business and waiting for a sandwich in the deli last week, when a headline in the NY Times poked me right between the eyes: Snark Attack, by Teri Karush Rogers. As it turns out, renters and prospective buyers in NYC are increasingly turning to online forums and blogs to share their opinions about real estate listings. They investigate, they gossip, they ask questions, speculate on pricing, and they often mock the scams and bad deals. Like all things that involve online commentary, it can get quite ugly (or entertaining, depending on your perspective):

For their part, sellers and their brokers are seething over what they perceive as a lack of accountability, hidden or misanthropic motives, and the fact that defending one’s property — even correcting a factual error — can prolong or aggravate its turn under the collective microscope. Sellers also object to being typecast as Marie Antoinette in the French Revolution-style discourse.

My, how we protest when the shoe is on the other foot. It’s really difficult to find a place to live in NYC that isn’t a complete dump without living beyond your means. Many most of the people you’ll deal with will do their best to rope you into paying a lot of money for a dismal home. It’s a hard slog and only two things are certain: there will be roommates, and it will still be expensive.

It’s no surprise that in a contracting economy people are talking more, and that sellers and landlords (and their often-inflated prices) are the butt of the discussion. Why wouldn’t buyers and renters turn to the greatest communication tool we have to enable the sharing of expertise, bloviation, and derision? It’s also no surprise that there appear to have been no seething sellers or brokers who were willing to be quoted for the article, but I sure was hoping so. It has the trashy appeal of reality television.

Obviously, value is a matter of perception; that’s why brokers always try to get you to believe they will rent the apartment later that day to somebody else if you don’t hand them a deposit immediately. The process is weighted heavily against you and relies on the fact that most people don’t know any better. People having easy access to each other and relevant information about a property changes that dynamic dramatically. Despite my faux-proletarian schadenfreude for the landlords of New York, I have some sympathy; it must be really frustrating to have some stranger come into your house and then go online afterwards and rip the place apart.

The underlying question here is when to respond to online criticism, and whether or not it is helpful. If you are selling something, it’s a pretty important question, and whether it’s helpful is determined by your attitude towards the whole thing. People are going to make online commentary, and people are going to read a lot of commentary to help them determine how to best spend their earnings. If you the vendor are going to sit this out entirely, you are doing yourself a disservice.

We find ourselves in this position once in a while. People write about our products, they make comments on our blog posts, they share their thoughts with entire social networks instantly, and they are not always laudatory. Which is fine! They’re not always accurate, either. It’s been our experience that you’re always better off keeping cool and correcting the record to the best of your ability. Reasonable people can follow along and make their own judgements. If you’re still angry, you’re not ready to respond! There’s no need to try and change somebody’s mind about what you’re selling, but you definitely don’t want any false claims to go entirely unchecked by reality.

The article makes a point of mentioning that many firms forbid or discourage their agents from participating in online threads, seeing a real potential for disaster that I wouldn’t want to under-play. At the same time, in the world of selling things online, it’s not in your best interest to sit things out, just proceed carefully.

Alison Rogers, an agent with DG Neary Realty … noted that anger, defensiveness and denial will almost certainly set off a feeding frenzy, as will a post that seems to be written by the owner or broker without the appropriate disclosure. She favors correcting factual errors and countering negative opinions — but only to a point. “You don’t want to draw conclusions for people.”

In the emerging economy, it’s people who get this who will do a lot better than the folks who just get mad. You can’t really take your ball and go home, anymore.

Zetetic.Chain - Some love for .NET

2009-05-13 20:00:00 -0400

Today we released Zetetic.Chain on github as open source under a BSD-style license. The inspiration for Zetetic.Chain is Apache Chain, but Zetetic.Chain also takes advantage of some of the things .NET does really well without lots of dependencies, like reflection attributes (well, reflection in general), XML serialization, Remoting, indexer properties, and so on.

The Chain concept lets you work with commands, and stacks of commands, with a simple model—just say the name of the command you want to run, pass it an object in which to get and set state / results, and the Zetetic.Chain library takes care of the rest, keeping your implementation nice and clean. You configure the details of each command in a lean n’ mean XML file. Example:

<chain name="TellStory">
<command name="first" typeName="Storybook.WalkInTheWoods">
<add key="BoysName" value="Hansel" />
<add key="GirlsName" value="Gretel" />
<command name="also" typeName="Storybook.BirdsEatTheBreadcrumbs" />
<command name="ohno" typeName="Storybook.WitchInCandyHouse" />

Your code can fire off the chain of events simply by calling:

ICatalog catalog = CatalogFactory.GetFactory().GetCatalog("storybook.xml");
IContext context = new ContextBase();

So check it out, let us know what you think! Personally I know this library is going to become part of most of my ongoing projects on the .NET platform.

Cool Project:

2009-05-04 20:00:00 -0400

Scott McMillin posts over on

Timelines is a place for people to record and share history about any topic. We want it to be the Wikipedia of event-based information, but unlike Wikipedia we want everyone to have a voice and add their own perspectives (and photos, videos, etc) about events.

I’m a history dork, so I created an account already. I read history text books for fun (recently I started reading Voices of a People’s History of the United States), and nailing down what really happened is like trying to nail jelly to the wall. The more voices you have (even the biased voices), the more source material, the more you have to work with to try and discern what happened. This has the potential to be an extremely excellent resource.

Scott also gives some details on the infrastructure supporting Looks like PostgreSQL drives most operations, but the actual event data and media appear to be stored in CouchDB. Very interesting.

JS Date Object Extensions

2009-04-30 20:00:00 -0400

In our time-tracking app, Tempo, we’ve got a date range drop-down menu, and that allows you to set the start and end dates for a report. Next to it are two text fields for the start and end date, which are over-ridden when the user selects one of the ranges.

Tempo date range selection

This got a little confusing for users because the drop-down selection wasn’t reflected in the text fields, so I threw together some quick javascript for calculating the date end points client-side and setting the fields. In the end, I needed something like:

Tempo.activate_range_select = function() {
var $select = $j(this);

// for each interval, create a start and end date, and insert into date fields
var now = new Date();
var start_date = null;
var end_date = null;

switch($select.val()) {
case "today":
start_date = now.beginning_of_day();
end_date = now;
case "yesterday":
start_date = now.days_ago(1).beginning_of_day();
end_date = now.days_ago(1).end_of_day();

To get here, though, I had to work out these date calculation methods that you can see being used above. Those aren’t naturally occurring methods on the Date class in Javascript, but they can be if you write them yourself! And as you build out the simpler ones, they lend themselves to a full library.

So here’s a little library that extends the Date object with a big pile of handy methods: date.js It’s not all entirely original, I did find some tips out there in the wild and lifted a couple of handy things from the jQuery Date Picker’s date.js. But only a little.

A sampling of some of the methods:

Date.prototype.weekDay = function () {
// in ISO we want Mon = 0 and Sun = 6!
var day = this.getDay() - 1;
day = (day < 0) ? 6 : day;
return day;

Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function() {
var year = this.getFullYear();
return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0;

Date.prototype.end_of_week = function() {
var d = this.copy();
d.setDate( this.getDate() + (6 - this.weekDay()) );
return d;

* figuring out the end of quarter:
# q1 = 31 + 28 + 31 = 90 + 2(leap)
# q2 = 30 + 31 + 30 = 91
# q3 = 31 + 31 + 30 = 92
# q4 = 31 + 30 + 31 = 92
Date.prototype.end_of_quarter = function() {
var d = this.copy();
switch( this.getQuarter() ) {
case 1:
// is this a leap year?
if ( this.isLeapYear() ) {
d.setMonth(0, 92); // allow overflow to set correct month and day
} else {
d.setMonth(0, 90)
case 2:
d.setMonth(3, 91);
case 3:
d.setMonth(6, 92);
d.setMonth(9, 92);
return d;